In Pharmaceutical Freedom (OUP, 2017), I defend rights of self-medication, which include rights to purchase and use untested and unapproved pharmaceuticals. Existing pharmaceutical approval requirements and prescription drug laws violate rights of self-medication. I conclude that paternalistic and prohibitive pharmaceutical policies are unjust and that drugs should be treated more like other consumer products.
Symposium in HEC Forum, including commentary by James Stacey Taylor, Jeffrey Carroll, Joseph T. F. Roberts, Jonathan Quong, and Connor K. Kianpour
Reviewed in NDPR
Reviewed in the Journal of Applied Philosophy
Reviewed in the Journal of Value Inquiry
Author-Meets-Critics at the PPE Society Meeting (2018)
Author-Meets-Critics at the Pacific APA (2018)
In Debating Sex Work (OUP, 2019) I defend the decriminalization of the sex industry. I focus on the benefits of decriminalization from a broadly liberal feminist perspective. I argue that policies that criminalize buying or selling sex are disrespectful and harmful to women.
Co-authored with Lori Watson.
Reviewed in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (2021)
Coming Soon(ish)
The Ethics of Expecting
In Reclaiming Pregnancy: The Ethics of Expecting (under contract, OUP), I defend women’s rights during pregnancy and childbirth. I argue against fetal personhood statutes and a dual patient standard in obstetrics, and I challenge the more general attitude that pregnancy is morally risky and that pregnant women have strong moral duties to be conscientious.
Why It's OK To Have Bad Spelling and Grammar
In Why It’s OK to Have Bad Spelling and Grammar (under contract, Routledge), I argue that the stigmatization of bad spelling and grammar is inefficient, unnecessary, and inegalitarian. The full manuscript has been submitted to the press and will be published as part of the new series “Why It’s OK: The Ethics of How We Live.”
This project (co-authored with Chris Freiman, under contract, Routledge) is an introduction to libertarian and neoliberal ideas. We take a public-policy oriented approach. The book aims to be accessible to all readers with an interest in the ethics of zoning, regulation, taxes, criminal justice, drug policy, reparations, sex work, and other policy debates. This book is scheduled for a 2025 release date.
The Purpose Project:
Ethical Leadership and the Meaning of Life
This project is an introduction to the ethics of leadership from a philosophical perspective. Students will learn about the ethics of leadership by practicing philosophy as a way of life. The book aims to be accessible to high school and undergraduate readers with an interest in the ethics of leadership in business, public policy, nonprofit sectors, and the military. The book also addresses questions about the ethics of career choice, work-life balance, and the meaning of life.